Fun Category
- Three stages, repeat as many as you want thru the day
- Ride with your friends
- No pressure, have fun
- Uses gravity (downhill) sections of the XC course at Ourimbah with green & blue technical features
Expert Category
- Full 5-6 stages
- Tier 2 National Cup points TBC
- Ride up no shuttling
- Will use Ourimbah gravity trails Blue and Black
Interschools Gravity Enduro Competition
MTBA race membership is essential to participate in this race.
Options include:
- Day licence purchased at the time of online event registration
- If you have a recreation licence, upgrade to a race option for the day completed during your online registration
- MTBA free 8 week trial (link and more info at Join MTBA)
- Use your active kids voucher to purchase a full race membership which will cover you for all events for 12 months (more info at Join MTBA). It takes the club at least a week to process an active kids voucher and finalise membership so do not leave this to the last minute.
This will be completed online and will open on Monday 23rd March at 8 am. Go to Interschools event registration
You will need your MTBA number if you have one, a credit card and to nominate your school.
Your date of birth will automatically offer you the correct age category. This is determined by your age on the 31st December 2020. It is the same across the board for everyone.
Choose either expert or fun categories for your age group.
On completion and payment you will recive a confirmation email of your entry.
When you register for the event please be ready to nominate a volunteer to assist with track marshalling on the day. No experience needed but the more eyes on the riders the better.
Vounteers help us to keep the costs down and have a fun event for all. Thank you in advance
MTBA Helmet and Protection Rules
Expert category
For all events in the GE National Season riders are required to wear a Full Face helmet whilst riding the special stages of the events.
For Gravity Enduro events only, the modular helmet with a removable chin piece will be considered a full face helmet.
In Under 15 and Under 17 competition, the following equipment is mandatory at all times while riding special stages:
a. Full-finger gloves must be worn
b. Elbow pads must be worn
c. Knee pads must be worn.
Fun Category
Open or full face helmet can be used for the fun category
We recommend for all riders
a. Full-finger gloves
b. Elbow pads
c. Knee pads