CCMTB Club Sponsorship

Our vision for the park is an inclusive and progressive facility with a community-focused hub at the core of our values.

Your future and/or ongoing relationship with the club will be to foster that position

  • Supporting trail infrastructure and development
  • Value-adding to club, event, and park experiences for our MTB community
  • Promoting community engagement

In return, the club, park, activities/events, and community hub provide a great platform to increase your brand awareness and engage directly with the broad MTB community.

The Sponsorship proposal includes:

  • Bronze: Renewed annually
  • Silver: Three year term | Closed until 2025
  • Gold: Three year term | Customised package with an in kind portion | Closed until 2025
  • Event: one off event sponsorship options

Your investment will include direct financial support to the club to build infrastructure and enhance engagement with the community.

Expressions of interest close on 30th July with finalisation expected by 15th August 2022.

9 + 4 =

 Sponsorship Package Summary

Inclusions Bronze Silver Gold**
Unlimited* Max 12* Max 5
Supporter pack Silver Silver Gold
Logo on CCMTB website Yes Yes + 25% Yes + 50%
Proud supporter of CCMTB | OMTB logo, to promote amongst your clientele and business platform Yes Yes Yes
Follow / Liked on social media Yes Yes Yes
Podium Signage No Yes Yes + bigger
MTB Event promotion thru social media No Yes Yes

Event sponsorship / year

  • CCMTB DH Rd1 supported by “your bus”
  • Your business is exclusive for the event
  • a single event, prioritised above other requests
  • additional events at $300/ event, 
  • Official National / State events not included (these will have separate sponsorship opportunities coordinated thru the respective organisers)
  • Includes logo on event banner, event photos and exclusive local presence on the day/weekend
No No Yes
Event sponsorship (if available) $500 (covers photography) No Yes NA

Business stand on event day (only available if no other sponsors are supporting an event)

Examples include: Community build day, social day or organise your own: $150 or put on free BBQ

Yes Yes Yes

Customised marketing to suit

  • Raffle prizes or discounted merch, vouchers that can be given to the community to the value of $1000
  • Balance of $1500 is payable in cash, noting event photographer for 1 event is $500 – $1000
No No Yes